The latest Earthquake in Nepal gave shivers to every Indian as well. Our neighborhood faced so much trauma in these days and so did Indians. The tremors sent high alert among all, and almost everybody was ready to pack and leave. But the best part was World saw countries coming together in support of Nepal and other countries where earthquake happened. India being a close neighbor to Nepal also felt the aftershock, so here we are, alerting which are the most earthquake prone area in India, find out whether you stay there or not. On the basis of the vulnerability, earthquake zones have been divided in to four under seismic zoning map of India. ZONE 5 -It covers the areas with the highest risks zone that suffers earthquakes of intensity MSK IX or greater. ZONE 4 -This zone is called the High Damage Risk Zone and covers areas liable to MSK VIII ZONE 3 -This zone is classified as Moderate Damage Risk Zone which is liable to MSK VII. and also 7.8 ZONE 2 -This region is liable to MSK...